Waterside School is a co-educational PK-5th Grade independent school serving children and families regardless of limitations in income or circumstance. The School attracts and inspires students of academic promise and families deeply invested in their children’s success.
The School works to instill in its students a belief in their own worth, to cultivate in each a commitment to academic excellence, and to ensure the fullest development of every child’s character. Through a rigorous program of study and experience, the School empowers its students with the knowledge, skills and virtues required to enable them to excel as students, to gain access to superior academic opportunities, and to go forward to become the leaders of tomorrow.
The Challenge
The School’s Board members have made commitments in both time and resources commensurate with the importance of the effort and their belief in its worth; a number of businesses have honored the concept of “responsible corporate citizen” in deed as well as word; and, most important, a growing number of individuals and foundations have stepped forward to invest generously and selflessly in the lives of children not their own. The School invites you to consider joining the ranks of those mentioned and, in doing so, to provide for the School’s children only what we expect and demand for our own. In return, the School can assure that any investment made in these young lives will prove itself as wise as it is kind.