Faculty and Staff
Sofia Alano
- Title: First Grade
- Degrees: The Catholic University of America B.A., Sacred Heart University M.Ed.
- Email: salano@watersideschool.org
Dino Angelov
- Title: Director of Maintenance and Facilities
- Degree: St. Basil College
- Email: dangelov@watersideschool.org
Ela Bajus
- Title: Assistant Director of Advancement & Communications
- Degree: University of Connecticut B.A.
- Email: ebajus@watersideschool.org
Michael Bazelais ’07
- Title: Art, Alumni Support
- Degree: University of Hartford B.F.A.
- Email: mbazelais@watersideschool.org
Mary Bruschi
- Title: Third Grade
- Degree: Fairfield University B.S. & M.Ed.
- Email: mbruschi@watersideschool.org
Emily Burns
- Title: Reading Specialist
- Degrees: Princeton University B.A., Manhattanville College M.A.
- Email: eburns@watersideschool.org
Hannah Cermack
- Title: Fourth Grade
- Degree: Lehigh University B.A.
- Email: hcermack@watersideschool.org
Jessica Chang
- Title: Dean of Studies, 2nd - 5th Grade Division Head
- Degrees: Duke University B.S., Columbia University Ed. M.
- Email: jchang@watersideschool.org
Kayla Cheatham ’09
- Title: School Counselor
- Degree: St. Johns University B.S., University of Connecticut M.S.W., L.M.S.W.
- Email: kcheatham@watersideschool.org
Lorenzo Colon Munroe
- Title: School Counselor
- Degree: Fordham University M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
- Email: lcolonmunroe@watersideschool.org
Kimberly Culver
- Title: Fifth Grade A
- Degree: Fairfield University B.A. & M.Ed.
- Email: kculver@watersideschool.org
Linda Delgado
- Title: Reading Specialist
- Degree: The Catholic University of America B.A.
- Email: ldelgado@watersideschool.org
Corrie Donaldson
- Title: Director of Enrollment, Student Support, JK - 1st Grade Division Head
- Degree: State University of New York Oneota B.S., Touro College M.Ed.
- Email: cdonaldson@watersideschool.org
Jonny Duennebier
- Title: Music, Director of Alumni Programming & Support, Specials Teacher Lead
- Degrees: Skidmore College B.A., Columbia University M.A.
- Email: jduennebier@watersideschool.org
Elizabeth Duennebier
- Title: Fifth Grade B
- Degree: Western Connecticut State University B.A., Sacred Heart University M.Ed.
- Email: lduennebier@watersideschool.org
La’Vandra DuPree
- Title: Assistant to the Head of School, Financial Aid Coordinator, Parent Coordinator Lead
- Degree: Mercy College B.S.
- Email: ldupree@watersideschool.org
Megan Evans
- Title: Director of Placement, 2nd - 5th Grade Division Head
- Degrees: Dartmouth College B.A., Bank Street College of Education M.S., Kings College, London M.A.
- Email: mevans@watersideschool.org
Shakyla Evans
- Title: Kindergarten
- Degree: University of Connecticut B.A., Post University M.Ed
- Email: sevans@watersideschool.org
Camryn Ferrara
- Title: Physical Education
- Degree: St. Lawrence University B.A.
- Email: cferrara@watersideschool.org
Kathy Garrett
- Title: Reading Specialist
- Degrees: Boston University B.A., Manhattanville College M.P.S.
Victoria Giaimo
- Title: Third Grade
- Degree: University of Rhode Island B.S, University of Bridgeport M.S.
- Email: vnichio@watersideschool.org
Claudia Gomez
- Title: Main Office Assistant
- Email: cgomez@watersideschool.org
Isaac Hancock
- Title: Fourth Grade, Technology Coordinator
- Degrees: Connecticut College B.A., Relay Graduate School of Education M.A.T.
- Email: ihancock@watersideschool.org
Tiffany Hodge
- Title: Second Grade A & B
- Degree: Rasmussen University A.A, Charter Oak State College B.A
- Email: thodge@watersideschool.org
Jamel Keels
- Title: Director of Advancement & Community Engagement
- Degrees: Sacred Heart University B.A., Manhattanville College M.A.
- Email: jkeels@watersideschool.org
Shekeema King
- Title: First Grade
- Degree: City University of New York A.A., City College of New York B.A., Liberty University M.Ed.
- Email: sking@watersideschool.org
Eliza Kruger
- Title: Art
- Degree: University of Utah B.A.
- Email: ekruger@watersideschool.org
Charlie Leigh
- Title: Comptroller
- Degree: University of Richmond, B.S.
- Email: cleigh@watersideschool.org
Pamela Marino
- Title: Second Grade B
- Degree: Florida International University MSc, Boston College M.Ed
- Email: pmarino@watersideschool.org
Katherine Medina ’06
- Title: Kindergarten
- Degree: Manhattanville College B.A.
- Email: kmedina@watersideschool.org
Ingrid Moore
- Title: Food Services, Child Care
Olivia Oosterhout
- Title: Music
- Degree: Occidental College B.A., Longy School of Music M.M., M.E.
- Email: ooosterhout@watersideschool.org
Brittney Porter
- Title: Enrollment Associate
- Email: bporter@watersideschool.org
Joseph Powers
- Title: Executive Director
- Degree: LeMoyne College B.A., Johns Hopkins University M.S.
- Email: jpowers@watersideschool.org
McClatchy Ruskin
- Title: Science
- Degree: Claremont McKenna College B.A.
- Email: mruskin@watersideschool.org
Alexandra “Lexie” Seidel
- Title: Second Grade A
- Degree: Kenyon College B.A., Johns Hopkins University M.S.
- Email: lseidel@watersideschool.org
Gena Skoufalos
- Title: Instructional Coach, JK - 1st Division Head
- Degrees: College of Holy Cross B.A., Lesley University M. Ed.
- Email: gskoufalos@watersideschool.org
Karen Valencia
- Title: Junior Kindergarten
- Degree: Charter Oak State College B.S., Grand Canyon University M.Ed.
- Email: kvalencia@watersideschool.org
Tanya Velez
- Title: Junior Kindergarten
- Degree: University of Bridgeport B.S., Sacred Heart University M.A.
- Email: tvelez@watersideschool.org
Jennafer Washington ’12
- Title: Advancement Coordinator, Fifth Grade Assistant
- Degree: Drexel University B.A.
- Email: jwashington@watersideschool.org
Jenny Wilson
- Title: Reading Specialist
- Degree: Union College B.A., Bank Street College of Education M.Ed.
- Email: jwilson@watersideschool.org
Rezan Zia
- Title: Science
- Degrees: Skidmore College B.A., Columbia University M.A.
- Email: rzia@watersideschool.org